The Gardening Magician and The Gardening Sensai

This past weekend I attended two different family-type functions with Jamie. When we arrived (late) to the first party for a graduation from 8th grade I noticed a row of raised gardens surrounding the backyard. Well, actually, that’s not true…first I got a beer and a plate of Mexican food…but shortly after I noticed the gardens (and honestly I think Jamie may have noticed them and brought them to my attention…).

Our host and mother of the new graduate is a seasoned veteran of the art of gardening. The presentation and overall vibe of this mini-farm she had blown mine out of the water. Her plants were huge and everything looked so green, with rich dark soil and leaves so tropically lush. I am a first time gardener and will admit I still have a lot to learn so I invited the host to come sit with us and share all she knew about gardening. “Gardening” must have been her special password (we all have one right?) because the second I said it this lady launched into books to read, types and styles of gardening, types of gardening defenses against pesky backyard crop bandits (bastard squirrels, rabbits, birds, alley cats, bums…), different soils and for what purpose, composting and Lord knows what else she said that I didn’t understand. She was so good I bet she could have grown a tomato from seed to plate in the amount of time it took me to get another beer, she was a gardening magician.  I swear I though I even saw her pulling fresh basil and peppers from behind people’s ears. After another round or two (or 4) Jamie and I’s brains were soaked with the knowledge that our gardening magician had given us so we decided it was time to head to the next party of the night.

My friend’s father has been gardening for 20 plus years; he is a gardening guru. Before I even thought of starting a garden (2007-2010) he would take us out back to show us things we didn’t care about and some special new shovel or the different row patterns he had chosen for this year’s plantation. It was I who came to him this year though and once again “gardening” was his special password too (gardener’s all share the same mind…we get really pumped when someone wants to see or talk about our gardens). This man was no gardening magician though; he was a garden ninja (really my friend Chris’ dad is some high black belt or some shit and is the most disciplined dude I know)(Chris told me a story one time about how his dad ran 26 miles through Philadelphia and then spent 6 hours in a bamboo stick fight after…I think against a robot sent back through time?…all before 3 hours of meditation!). Chris’ dad’s garden was a little messier than our gardening magicians mini-farm but there is no wrong way to do it. Chris’s dad just hasn’t had time to keep his as nice as he wanted it but the dude has corn growing in his backyard next to his pool (that’s pretty damn awesome…and Chris sent me a picture of his dad building a separate raised box for broccoli this morning).

I don’t know why but there is just something about taking a seed and turning that into something you can eat or use in your food. My garden is about to yield its first tomatoes, peppers and if we are lucky…pumpkins! So here’s to turning family parties and graduations into a gardening underground network of awesome people!






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